Besides our music ministry I have had the privilege of assisting in a assistant pastor role at Calvary Chapel Hemet. God has been stretching me in many new areas of ministry.
I met Tim back in December when he came in for some pre-marital counceling. He had recently surrendered his life back to the Lord after discovering he had serious cancer. I started to prepare for the possibility of officiating at my first wedding ceremony. The couple did not end up staying together and Tim's condition got worse. Tim went home to be with the Lord a week before Easter. The family asked if I would preside over the memorial and I agreed.
Little did I know when I first met Tim that instead of preparing for a wedding that I would be preparing for a funeral service. The Bible says that our life is but a vapor (James 4:14). None of us know how long we have in this life. I rejoice that Tim was wise to realize this and commit his life back to the Lord.
We are to make the most of every day because every day is truly a gift from God. Serve him with all your heart!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My Life on Wednesday, March 5, 2008

6a - baby gets me up
6:15a - feed baby milk and do devotion
7:15a- feed the other 3 kids and feed baby solids
8:30a - homeschooling starts. Juggle the baby and teach the other 3 at the same time. Language Arts, Math, Typing, Bible, Reading and Spelling
12p - make and feed everyone lunch. While kids eat Mamma works on the computer.
1:30p - finish homeschooling the kids. YES! Jayden went down for an afternoon nap.
3:30p - do whatever cleaning up I can possibly do and get ready for church.
5p - feed all the kids dinner
5:45p - depart for church
6:15p - sound check and worship run through with Michael and the worship band. Make the kids sit in the pews and read their books without talking or they get on the LIST (the list isn't a good thing). Jayden plays in the saucer on stage while we rehearse.
6:45p - check the kids into AWANAs. Fix the baby's milk and check him into the nursery.
7p - run back to the sanctuary and take my place on stage for worship.
8:30p - service ends. Pick up the kids and go home.
9:30p - get the kids and the baby ready for bed.
10p - collapse in bed
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