Here's our internet Christmas card. We are standing at the edge of Lake Yojoa.

One of our big highlights so far in this Christmas Season was our school play. Avalon played one of the angels.

Micah and Zachary were shepherds.

The girls from my second grade class were angels. Don't they have the most angelic little faces?

This look of indecision on Michael's face is pricless. Actually, this is the way we feel most of the time. WHAT DO I DO? Michael and I did all the music for the school Christmas program.

Here's Avalon and angel friend, Stephanie.

We played at Sister Maria's Soup Kitchen for kids. Pastor Chris was asked to be Santa Clause. He pulled off the coolest evangelistic tactic ever. He had the kids totally mesmorized because he was Santa. Then he got up to the mic and told the kids that Jesus, not Santa, was the most important person and then shared a mini gospel message.
Here is a video of Micah and Avalon's musical debut. Wow, what an exciting time in our lives. I can't think of anything cooler than ministering together as a family in a third world country. We had no idea what God had in store for us when he gave us the name "Together Ministries" for our ministry. But now I can see why God choose that name for us.

Some of the kids from Sister Maria's share their music.

One night we went caroling from house to house. The song Feliz Navidad seems to be a hit everywhere.

Here's Jayden and Mommy having their morning coffee and milk together.
I made this video for our Christmas program so all the parents could see their kids in action during a school day.
Our visas are expiring so on Thursday our whole family is going to Beliz for the day to get our passports stamped. On Friday my parents are coming to visit us.
May God richly bless you as we serve Him together!
In His Grip,
Michael, Golden, Avalon, Micah, Zachary and Jayden