In a land where resources aren't available, you use whatever you have. Here we are leading worship at our little Calvary Chapel Peña Blanca, Michael on guitar and me playing the 5 gallon water bottle djembe. It actually sound pretty good. -Golden
Here's Michael teaching a guitar class to some of the Honduran locals. I'm translating. Our kids are playing in the background.
One of the ways I teach my kids how to speak English is by having them participate with Blue Clues videos. They think it's just pure fun. But it's really helping their understanding of English.
Micah and Zachary swimming in the river with their Honduran friend.
We can only stay in Honduras 90 days at a time. So, we went to Florida to renew our visas. While we were there we visited my brother. Between our 2 families we have 7 children.
While the rest of us went back to Honduras, Avalon went to visit Grandpa Evan and Grandma Sherry in MO. Here we are melting in the heat of Honduras, while Avalon's freezing in the snow in MO. She returns to Honduras with my parents on April 14th.
Here's video of our family singing a Spanish Praise song at my brother's church in FL.
Here's video of me teaching Jayden how to swim.
I found my friend, Keri, from my gymnastics years. She tagged me in this photo. I'm the one on the far right. I'm 13 years old.