Well, our daughter, Avalon, and Michael and I leave on August 4th at 4:30p for England for Creation Fest and then onto Austria for the Calvary Chapel Mission's Conference. Please keep us in prayer as we will be teaming up with the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's children's ministry. We invite you to hook up with us on FaceBook if you haven't already. We will be posting pictures from our mission trip as we go.
www.facebook.com/michaelandgolden .
The following are pictures from our family ministry adventures this last month.

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's 4th of July Celebration.

The Preciado Family shares at the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's 4th of July Celebration.

Michael and Golden and kids sharing on a Sunday night at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

At the last minute we got asked to fill in at Family Camp at the Twin Peaks Conference Center. What a total blessing for us! We had never been to family camp before.

Here we are teaching the campers the "Old Testament Books of the Bible" song.

Golden leads worship during the Baptism in Twin Peaks at Family Camp.

Our children, Avalon, Micah and Zachary, asked us if they could be baptized. Here's our little Avalon with Pastor John Chubik and Pastor Eric Tribble.

Michael, Golden, Avalon and Granpa Evan lead worship at Calvary Chapel Irvine.

Michael and band lead worship at a military installation.

Michael reading morning devotions with our 4 beautiful children.

Golden, Pastor Chuck and Kay at their Birthday Celebration!
Please keep us in your prayers. May God richly bless you like only He can do!
In His Grip,
Michael, Golden, Avalon, Micah, Zachary and Jayden