The following is a video we put together of an average day at Lake Yojoa Bilingual school. We are excited to see the work God is doing here and feel privileged to be apart of it. Enjoy! Please pray for the country of Honduras. We have had so much rain that Honduras has been declared in a state of emergency.

The flooding is overwhelming. Houses are under water. Bridges are washed out. There doesn’t seem to be an end to the rain.

We live at a high altitude so we haven’t experienced the same devastation from the downpours. We are thankful God has kept us safe.
It remains to be seen how Honduras will be affected in the near future as so many of the country’s crops have been destroyed. Please be in prayer.
In His Grip,
Michael, Golden, Avalon, Micah and Zachary
I'm so proud of my sister !!!!!! She rocks !!!!
Dear Mike and Golden,
We love the video! It is so super how you are teaching the children about Jesus, Christian values and English! We are so proud of you. May you be encouraged and blessed as you serve God and others. We send our love to you from the Philippines. Uncle Dan and Aunt Tori
hola hermano Dios guarde tu ministerio y familia sabes andaba buscando información de la escuela lake yojoa porque pensamos matricular a nuestro hijo en el kinder y me lleno de mucho gozo ver los niños cantando con tanta alegría creo es la mejor herencia que le puedo dar a mis hijos primeramente el temor a Dios y segundo una buena educación
nuebamente les digo gracias por su entrega al ministerio, Dios recompensara sus vidas atte Euler Zepeda
Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites
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