“I don’t want to grow old and regret that I didn’t step out in faith.” -Michael Preciado
Monday, May 11, 2009
What a Rockin' Month
We have had such a rockin' busy month. Serving the Lord is so awesome. Never a dull moment.
Just a reminder that we are on Face Book. If you would like to see what we're doing on a daily basis then join us on Face Book. Our screen name is MichaelandGolden Preciado.
Here was are celebrating Ramón's birthday. Ramón was so sick last month. He had thrown up for 5 days straight and his parents had to take him to a specialist in San Pedro.
Last month we had to fire our caregiver for Jayden. She was stealing from us, the other teachers and our neighbors when we weren't home. Needless to say we finally caught her in the act and let her go. Now we bring Jayden to school with us. He wanders around the classroom and plays with the students water bottles and erasers. Does he look like he's distracting the students?
Oh, he might be distracting but he's so cute. Actually, my class is getting used to him being there.
Michael's been teaching the Romans Road in Bible class. This is one of the illustrations he had on the white board. The kids all copied this in their Bible notebooks.
This month Karen Lafferty (author of the music to Seek Ye First) came to Honduras. She and her team from YWAM put on a 3 week worship conference for the Honduran locals. Michael and I taught music classes in the conference. Michael taught guitar. I taught vocal classes and music theory. My Dad happened to be here at the time the conference was happening so he taught sound classes and we lead worship together.
Michael teaching guitar classes.
Here's me teaching one of my vocal classes.
Here's my Dad and I leading worship during one of the general sessions.
Here's video of my Dad and I leading worship at the Worship Conference.
One of my second grade students, Laura, invited us over to her house for the afternoon. She has 4 dogs, 2 cats, a turtle, a bunny, and a bird.
One of Jayden's favorite passtimes is playing in the mud. He has all these toys in the house yet he chooses the mud. Asi es la vida! (That's life!)
Prayer Request: We are in the home stretch with the school. Please pray that we can finish strong. This month until the end of school will be the busiest we have ever been. Please pray that we can balance it all and still have time to be parents to our kids.
Very cool, Golden. Love the blog. The video was great, almost like being there. It's so fun to see my old friend Karen Lafferty in the photos, too. Did you know she used to travel on C.O.D. tours with us? She and I were roommates on a big tour to Europe and had Sooooo much fun. (Despite the dysentery!) I can't wait to see your smiling face when you return. Yay! Keep trusting and serving Jesus! I know the last lap of the race is the hardest but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. Hang in there girlfriend. Love you, Wendy
Vi todas las fotografias. Muy buenos videos y muy buena información. Dios les bendiga ricamente y les bendiga para que sigan predicando el evangelio a todas las naciones. EXITOS...
Very cool, Golden. Love the blog. The video was great, almost like being there. It's so fun to see my old friend Karen Lafferty in the photos, too. Did you know she used to travel on C.O.D. tours with us? She and I were roommates on a big tour to Europe and had Sooooo much fun. (Despite the dysentery!)
I can't wait to see your smiling face when you return. Yay! Keep trusting and serving Jesus! I know the last lap of the race is the hardest but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. Hang in there girlfriend.
Love you, Wendy
Vi todas las fotografias. Muy buenos videos y muy buena información. Dios les bendiga ricamente y les bendiga para que sigan predicando el evangelio a todas las naciones. EXITOS...
Estela y Jorgito.
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