Wednesday, November 17, 2010

South Africa Conference 2010

It was a privilege for Michael and I to lead worship at the Calvary Chapel Pastors/Missions Conference in Capetown, South Africa. My Dad (he's the one playing bass in the above picture) and Mom accompanied us on the trip along with our precious 3-year-old son Jayden.

It was a God thing how this trip came about. Michael woke up the other morning and told me about a dream he'd had. In the dream he'd had some different ministry choices and he asked me, "What do you think we should do?"

In his dream I said, "I think we should go to South Africa!"

"What!" he said? "South Africa!?" Then he woke up.

After he told me the dream we laughed and he went to the computer to check messages and there before him was a message from a pastor friend and his wife from Capetown, South Africa asking if we'd consider coming to lead worship for their pastor/leadership conference. We were blown away how the Lord gave Michael the dream to prepare us and confirm to us that we should go.
There were pastors and missionaries from all over South Africa. It was such a blessing as we all praised the name of Jesus together adults and children alike.

Here's my mom talking with one of the South African pastors. We all enjoyed the diversity of the people and conversations we had as we fellowship with one another.

Our little Jayden also enjoyed all his new little South African friends as he was a part of the children's ministry there.

We also enjoyed leading worship at Calvary Chapel Capetown on both the Sundays we were there.

Our flight home was quite eventful. During the trip Jayden and Michael caught a stomach virus. Jayden was not feeling well when we got on the 15 hour flight from Johannesburg to Atlanta. The captain tried to talk us out of taking the flight. In the middle of the flight, the head stewardess told us that if Jayden was sick when we got the U.S. she would have to report him to customs. Well, while the stewardess was telling us all this, my Mom was dealing with the stomach virus 5 rows over but she had to keep a low profile so she wouldn't be seen sick and get reported to customs herself. We were able to give Jayden some medication that made him feel better. In the end we all put on our best faces as we deplaned and went through U.S. customs.

Click here to see all the fun pictures we posted from this trip.

Here's fun video of my dad, Evan, and Calvary missionary in England, Rob Dingman, having a good 'ol fashion blues jam as members of Calvary Chapel Johannesburg and Calvary Chapel Capetown look on.

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